Why Shop Slow Fashion

Why Shop Slow Fashion?

Slow Fashion: the movement of designing, creating, and buying garments for quality and longevity. It encourages slower production schedules, fair wages, lower carbon footprints, and (ideally) zero waste. 

This year the average American will throw out approximately 80 pounds of used clothing! What happens to those clothes? Most end up in landfills and most modern made clothing contains synthetic fabrics. Making fabric with synthetics is cheap, but synthetics can take hundreds years to decompose. Our goal is to make quality pieces that will last for many, many, many years and avoid being tossed into a landfill. 

Fast Fashion 

Noun: inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.

It’s affordable and it’s KILLING our environment. Not to mention how unethical most fast fashion companies are; not paying their employees fair wages, irresponsible manufacturing practices, etc. We get it, fast fashion is convenient and affordable, we are guilty for shopping there too. But if we could all skip fast fashion pieces every now and then, save up, buy a few quality staple pieces, hold onto them for a while, we could reduce our impact on this earth by an incredible amount! Quality not quantity. 

Vintage = Quality 

Every wonder why your grandma has the same couch from 50 years ago? Or how vintage clothing pieces even last this long? We’ve seen clothing from the 1920’s look brand new! It was all about quality construction with quality fabrics in the past. Fast Fashion companies know the average lifetime of a piece of clothing is ONLY 10 WASHES and encourage fast turnover within the industry. 

Fashion Styles Recycle

What was trendy 20 years ago, is trendy today. We all know this. Granny chic is on fleek! We are trained to forecast future fashion trends and the vintage pieces we buy are currently trendy and can even look modern. Some pieces of clothing are pure classics and will never go out of style. If fashion recycles, we should too!

-Reduce Reuse Recycle- 

  • An average American throws away approximately 80 pounds of used clothing per person
  • According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), In 2014, over 16 million tons of textile waste was generated in the USA alone
  • Of this amount, 10.46 million tons was sent to the landfill. 2.62 million tons were recycled and 3.14 million tons were combusted for energy recovery
  • On average, nationally, it costs cities $45 per ton to dispose of old clothing
  • Synthetic clothing may take hundreds of years to decompose
  • Only about 0.1% of recycled fiber collected by charities and take back programs is recycled into new textile fiber
  • According to Greenpeace, the average person buys 60 percent more items of clothing every year generating a huge amount of waste.
  • The average lifetime of modern clothing is approximately 10 washes
  • Nearly 100 percent of textiles and clothing are recyclable
  • The United States textile recycling industry removes approximately 2.5 billion pounds of post-consumer textiles each year from the waste stream

For more info, check out the EPA